Our STEM Framework is designed to help students explore their interests
and make connections between the science, technology, and math they are Framework
learning and exciting STEM careers. The Framework is based on national studies showing that students who are aware of

  • the wide variety of STEM careers available
  • the many paths to becoming a STEM professional
  • the vibrant women and men working in STEM today

are more likely to stay interested in science and to consider STEM careers.

Download the Framework.


STEM Career Cards

Sally Ride STEM Career Cards feature 16 women and men from diverse backgrounds who are doing exciting work in STEM fields today. Use the cards to spark discussion about the wide variety of STEM careers available. One possibility is to ask students to try to match each photo with the appropriate career name label. Students can read more about the featured STEM professionals in the Sally Ride Science Cool Careers book series.

Download the STEM Career Cards

A Lot or a Little

Take a look at a globe or a map of Earth. Wow, that’s a lot of water! But what percentage of Earth’s water is drinkable? In this whole-class activity, students work in teams representing the different classifications of Earth’s water. They transfer water among containers until they are left with an amount reflecting Earth’s drinkable water. Students apply their observations to understanding the need to protect our limited supply of clean, fresh water.

Student Activity
Teacher Guide, Middle School
Teacher Guide, Upper Elementary

The Reason for Seasons

Earth stays about the same distance from the Sun throughout its orbit. It’s not closer to the Sun in summer than it is in winter. So why are there seasons? In this activity, students use a globe and a lamp to model sunlight striking Earth. They monitor the temperature in the globe’s Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere and apply their observations to understanding how the tilt of Earth’s axis causes the seasons.

Student Activity
Teacher Guide, Middle School
Teacher Guide, Upper Elementary

Sally's Pix Activity

Sally Ride became America’s first woman in space when she flew aboard the space shuttle in 1983. She said her favorite part of being in orbit was looking out the shuttle’s window at Earth below. In this activity, students examine some of Sally’s favorite photos of Earth from space. They analyze the images and draw conclusions about what we can learn by looking at our planet from a different vantage point.

Student Activity
Teacher Guide, Middle School
Teacher Guide, Upper Elementary